United, We Stand

Over these past few months, I’ve had multiple opportunities to practice conflict resolution. Perkins discusses multiple methods for accomplishing it, but still only one really works. Jesus taught this strategy~private and personal confrontation followed by an apology and forgiveness.

“Conflict is not so much an occasional speed bump as it is the intermittent center-lane stripes that come in rapid succession” (Perkins, 2000). It does no good to ignore or avoid conflict, because it is part of life and healthy relationships. Instead, learning how to deal with it when it happens actually strengthens relationships.

My roommate has taught me a lot about conflict resolution. Because of our mutual respect and goodwill for each other, we realize how selfish it is to hold on to a grudge or to anger. We have created a pattern of apologizing and forgiving that gives us confidence in the strength of our relationship and practice in confrontation with others.

In a team environment, anger and passive-aggressiveness is terribly destructive, while open communication builds trust and integrity.



  1. Perkins, B. (2000). Awaken the leader within. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.

The Smudge

Ash Wednesday is a weird day in New York. Because for really the first time during these blistery winter months, you actually look up and see people. Now, I know…that sounds bad. Like, what the heck? Who is this girl that she just goes around with her head in the clouds, not seeing people?    But […]
